The following dispatches are a collection of essays that will encourage you to think, envision, and act with intentionality and determination. They are designed to spur you on to personal reflection and give you a greater understanding of who you are, who you can be, and why your life matters—empowering you with a personal sense of destiny.
TAKE NOTE: By reading and reflecting on these stories, you will develop stamina and strength of soul, fortifying your spirit against the downward spiral of passivity and personal decay that inevitably ends at the bottom of a shapeless and meaningless existence. I pray that these messages will keep you fervent in spirit, energized by the truth, giving you the mental and spiritual capacity to soldier on in pursuit of God’s unique calling on your life.
Harper sends
Please read these first five dispatches from Col. Harper first. Then read the chronologically organized dispatches below, and subscribe to get future dispatches via email.
"What is truth?"
An introduction to Colonel Harper's dispatches... Read More.
"Information Overload"
Get Focused. The most famous of ancient messengers was the Athenian Pheidippides. He is best known as the guy who ran the first marathon... Read More.
"Fumble Forward"
Grab the Ball. One of the most famous fumbles in professional football occurred in the 1978 game between the San Diego Chargers and the Oakland Raiders.... Read More.
"Funk Holes"
Climbing out of the pit...I am pretty sure that none of you know what the Kola Superdeep Borehole is. Rather than let you wonder, I will go ahead and fill you in... Read More.
Col. Harper’s Dispatches, beginning with the most recent: